3 Ways To Reduce Your Health And Dental Expenses
Did you know that ,better management of your health and dental expenses will mean better rates for both you and your employer. Here are 3 ways to reduce your health and dental expenses so you can get the most out of your plan.
Tip #1:
Be aware of the dispensing fee charged by pharmacies. Simply put, dispensing fees are the fees the pharmacist charges for ‘putting the pills in the bottle’ and can range from $5 to $20 (or more) and these costs are added on top of the actual drug cost. In other words, if actual drug cost $15, one pharmacy may charge $20 (including their $5 dispensing fee), and the other may charge $35 (with their $20 dispensing fee). This is for the same drug, the only difference being the name of the pharmacy dispensing the drug. Some drug plans cap the dispensing fee so you may be 100% responsible for the excess 
dispensing fee beyond a certain point (eg. $7.50 may be your cap per prescription). You can save money and receive the same high quality drug by being mindful of the dispensing fee being charged.
Tip #2:
Be aware of dental fee guides used by your plan and compare them to what your specific dentist is charging. In some instances, some dentists charge more than what the fee guide will allow. You are only covered up to the fee guide maximum so it is important to get your dentist’s office to check with your insurer before scheduling your dental work. If their fee is over the limit then shopping around for a dentist who will charge within the fee guide limits could save you from having to pay the difference. You are 100% responsible for the dentist’s excess charge above the fee guide maximum.
Tip #3:
Track the renewal cycle of your extended health benefit privileges. Certain benefits renew every year (like paramedical coverage), while others renew on an x months cycle. For example, vision renews every 24 months for adults and every 12 months for children. Most insurers’ online systems will show this information so be sure to get enrolled online if you haven’t done so already. By properly tracking these benefits, you ensure you are getting the services covered when you qualify for them. =)