Employee Benefits Plan Options
There are many employee benefits plan options to consider when designing your own custom plan. We work with each of our clients to custom design the most appropriate plan for their employees. To ensure that the broadest range of benefits are available to your employees we provide you with a comprehensive set of options to choose from.
Association Benefits Plans
Association Benefits Plans with health and dental benefits are used by many associations to increase the value of membership and promote member loyalty. Abundance has created health and dental plans for a number of community and national associations and have found that some members even experience savings greater than the cost of the membership! These WIN-WIN situations perfectly embody the Abundance philosophy.
Disability & Critical Illness Insurance
Disability and critical illness insurance provide essential protection for employees. An employee suffering a long-term disability or illness such as a stroke may receive substantial support, enabling them to focus on recovery without worrying about their family’s financial well-being. Supporting an employee and their family through such a challenging time is a remarkable legacy for an employer to leave.
Employee Benefits Plans
The right employee benefits plans will improve overall productivity, employee retention, and employee attraction by providing tax-efficient compensation that ensures employees are able to adequately provide for their families. Top employees expect benefits and often choose their employer based on the benefits package that is offered. Just like cars, benefits plans are most efficient when “tuned up”. Are you overpaying for benefits that your staff rarely use? Do you lack coverage in an area that is needed? Not sure? Contact us for an evaluation. An optimized benefits plan means happier staff, increased productivity, and even lower costs in some cases.
Health & Dental Plans
The staple of every benefit plan. Health and dental plans are vital for supporting your team, maintaining staff loyalty, and maximizing productivity. Ailing workers are most likely to seek medical help if they are covered, and healthy employees are happy and productive employees.
RRSP Plans & Pension Plans
RRSP Plans and Pension Plans encourage saving, promote financial literacy, reduce employee tax exposure, and increase employee retention. RRSPs may also be used in DPSPs (deferred profit-sharing plan) to increase employee buy-in and productivity. Imagine the satisfaction you’ll feel when an employee’s company-sponsored RRSP enables them to buy their first home!