Help Raise $5,000 For Kiva
I have set a personal goal to raise $5,000 for Kiva entrepreneurs and was hoping you could assist.  Amazingly, I don’t even need to ask you to give any of your own money to reach this goal.
Kiva is the Kickstarter of Microbanking and assists entrepreneurs in developing nations with microloans that help them escape poverty. As an immigrant from rural China giving back to entrepreneurs in developing nations resonates deeply.
How We Plan To Raise $5,000 for Kiv
To reach this goal we have created a Kiva Team and found a sponsor (who wants to remain anonymous) who will contribute $25 of their own money for every person who joins our team. With this sponsor’s money already committed, all we need is for you to join Kiva to unlock this money for us to lend.

Once you join Kiva using our special link (see details below) the mystery sponsor will release $25 for us to lend to a  Kiva project of our choice. It just takes 30 seconds to join using your Facebook login or email. Just by joining you can help raise $5,000 for Kiva without any of your own money. If you would like to make a contribution of your own I would be grateful but it’s not necessary for us to get the $25 to lend.
I’ve created this YouTube clip about why I love Kiva.
Steps to Help Us Raise $5,000 for Kiva:
  1. Click this link:
  2. Click ‘JOIN TEAM’ on the invite page (if you haven’t been on Kiva before another page will show up first – if it does click on our logo to get to the “join team” page).
  3. Click Register (small link at top right of form). You can signup with Facebook OR your email address. Right after this the anonymous sponsor contributes the $25 to the Kiva account of the staff member you chose.
  4. If you want to contribute more to the cause you can also click on the Gift Option and we’ll use the money to lend on your behalf.
Watch This Tutorial: Sign Up In Under 1 Minute
Remember, it just takes 60 seconds to join our team and make a difference.

With Gratitude,

Amadeus Nip, Founder
P.S. We have posted more information about our Kiva Team on our website: