Alter Your Self Image By Hitting A Financial Milestone
Have you ever felt really proud of helping someone achieve their goal? One of my most fulfilling accomplishments is helping my personal friend save her first $10,000. This may not sound like a huge amount of money for some people, however, the truth is, we all have to start somewhere. But the long term benefit is that you alter your self image by hitting a financial milestone.

When my client and I started working together, saving $10,000 was not even in her consciousness. However, as we set the savings plan in place, and gradually increased it as she received raises and promotions, hitting the $10,000 savings mark came much faster than she expected. She was so thrilled to save her first $10,000, all on her own, and this transformed the way she saw herself. She has since bought a house with her savings. (Using the first time home buyers plan and her RRSPs).
Hitting a financial milestone is important because it influences us at a neural molecular level. Combined with the power of hard work and commitment, once a person hits certain milestones, the change is magnificent. Their self image is altered, their sense of self is richer, and they carry themselves differently. They have developed the capacity to carry a greater amount of wealth. Compare this with people who win the lottery, and it is no surprise that about 90% of those people return to their former financial status (or worse) because they have not developed the capacity to carry large amounts of wealth.

I shared my friend’s story with you to highlight a truth. So often people feel they need “to be at a certain financial wealth” before they receive personalized financial advice. This is far from the truth, because we all need sound financial advice to succeed. Like so many things, the sooner that we start and stay on the course, the sooner that we will succeed.

In my own family, I have experienced the power of saving and goal setting. I am the child of working-class parents who both earned minimum wage salaries. Yet, my parents have been homeowners for many years. They instilled their habits of saving and goal setting in me. Hopefully, we can be of service to you in achieving your financial goals.