Financial Planning For Your Employees
According to an article on titled A Popular Perk Employer-Sponsored Financial Planning, “in the annual Top Five Benefit Priorities survey conducted by the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists (ISCEBS), for each of the last three years, “Providing Financial/Investment Planning Tools” and “Increased Investment Education” have been near or at the top of the list for both employers and employees.”
At Abundance, we have already helped many of our clients employees with their financial planning. We have helped them with setting up strategic savings plans to buy a house. We have advised them on how to save on their insurance expenses (as much as 65% on mortgage insurance) and we have helped them pay down their mortgages, faster too. It is advice like this that empowers and motivates staff. The employee also knows their employer played an indirect role in their financial success. It is these connections and accomplishments that we are most proud to share with our family and friends.